The Unique World of Munnar attractions

Located in the Idduki district of Kerala, Munnar is a beautiful town located at the confluence of three rivers, Kundaly, Muthirappuzha and Nallathanni. Munnar is blessed with a wholesome climate. The best time for India visa holders to visit is between August-May. Monsoons are a magical time to spend in Munnar because of the numerous rivulets and streams and dew soaked tea gardens which looks magically beautiful enshrouded is a coat of light mist. Munnar is a treat for eyes as well as soul.

Indian visa holders can go to one of its sanctuaries. Munnar is home to a number of rare, exotic species of flora and fauna. As a result there are numerous sanctuaries and protected areas as well. India visa holders can start in the northeast with Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, Manjampatti Valley, Amaravati reserve forest and Sanctuary. In the north are the Anamudi Shola National Park and the Park. In the south is the Park. The special attractions of these protected areas include endemic and threatened species like the Grizzled Giant Squirrel, Nilgiri Thar, Nilgiri Wood-pigeon, Gaur, Elephant and Sambar. If India visa holders are lucky they can see the Neelakurinji flower which blooms only once in twelve years.

India visa holders can be undertake a variety of activities in Munnar. The most popular amongst Indian visa holders is trekking along the fantastic jungle trails and going for wild safaris in the sanctuaries and jungles. Camping in the wilderness will give a whole new dimension to the India visa holders Munnar trip. For the more adventurous India visa holders, there is parasailing and hot air ballooning. India visa holders can do boating in the serene waters of the lakes and dams of Munnar. Munnar, it attracts both domestic as well as foreign travelers on India visa.

India visa holders can go 10 km from Munnar to Chithirapuram, a beautiful town with its wonderful old world charm still intact. The quaint rows of sleepy little bungalows, cottages, courtyards and playgrounds, churches and schools are truly spectacular in its simplicity. This hill town is also home to Pallivasal Hydel Power Project. While India visa holders are here, don’t miss the Kerala Spice Board owned spice nurseries and tea plantations.

Overall Munnar can be said to be the ultimate abode of peace and sanctity for India visa holders – far removed from the hustle bustle of city life that tires one’s very soul. No wonder that it is the ideal spot for the newly-married India visa holders and quickly becoming a favorite honeymoon spot like Shimla, Kulu-Manali etc.

It may come as a surprise but this sleepy little beauty of a town was rather undiscovered by the India visa holders until very late 1990’s. Its immense tourism potential was first realized by Mahindra Holidays and the Sterling Group. But with the increase in intense promotion of Kerala Tourism, there has been a boom in tourism activities in Munnar. As a positive effect of this, there are a number of lodges and resorts and spas available here nowadays for India visa holders.